Use "stuck in his throat|stick in his throat" in a sentence

1. He went there to ask her pardon, but the words stuck in his throat.

2. He took a swig at the aspirin and the sour grains stuck in his throat.

3. 5 His Adam's apple bobbed in his throat.

4. A gurgle rose in his throat.

5. A choked sob rose in his throat.

6. His throat will collapse.

7. He slashed his throat.

8. His stomach tightened, his throat writhed.

9. His throat is sore.

10. He felt a pricking sensation in his throat.

11. We just cut a hole in his throat.

12. He swallowed back the lump in his throat.

13. The speaker cleared his throat.

14. He smoked his throat raw.

15. Kingsley rolled phlegm in his throat but remained with his head bowed.

16. Claggert cleared his throat. " Pooch saved his life. "

17. His words made her throat tighten.

18. Again his throat constricted, was dry.

19. With a knife to his throat.

20. The sneer had turned into a lump in his throat.

21. I definitely stuck my tongue down her throat!

22. In my head, I've already slit his throat seven times.

23. He spoke with a deep soft growl in his throat.

24. Emotion caused a constriction of his throat.

25. He cut his own throat by carelessness.

26. His throat was too constricted with jealousy.

27. Cut his throat, take his part and we are going.

28. He had an operation to remove an obstruction in his throat.

29. His mustache twitched; he cleared his throat, but said nothing.

30. His hand slipped down to encircle her throat.

31. His throat began to feel swollen and constricted.

32. His reflection then clears his its throat and he promptly screams.

33. You slashed his throat with a box cutter.

34. His hands were round her throat, choking her.

35. Yield the castle or I cut his throat.

36. He let the coke gurgle down his throat.

37. 1 The haft of Molassi's own knife was embedded in his throat.

38. His throat collapsed because of what we predicted.

39. A sob rose in his throat, blending with an incredulous, nervous giggle framed by his lips.

40. I can imagine that getting stuck in your throat or something and it just...

41. Due to his giving up tobacco, his throat problem has cleared up.

42. He swallowed, checking for a sore throat, his ears.

43. The Albho clutched at his throat, struggling for breath

44. He managed to stifle the spasmodic sobs of panic rising in his throat.

45. This is a symbol for you slicing his throat.

46. Slit his own throat, but, you know, that's normal.

47. There' s been all these bloody hints and stuff... but has he ever actually stuck his tongue down your fucking throat?

48. I pulled the knife away and slit his throat.

49. Fingers like prongs of steel dug into his throat.

50. The veins stood out on his throat and temples.

51. In the Cerements of time.” “In the Cerements of time.” His voice crackled with the dryness of his throat

52. The wretch Cowered beneath the planter's gaze, and essayed to deny his identity, but his voice died in his throat.

53. 14 Tentatively, her lips returned the brush of his, and she heard a moan deep in his throat.

54. Inhaled acetylene gas had charred his mouth, throat and lungs.

55. 27 It stuck in my throat and I had to cough and cough to dislodge it.

56. The spots on his throat are part of a syndrome.

57. The acolyte Rizla clears his throat to deliver the lecture.

58. His throat constricted with fear when he saw the knife.

59. He lurched to the catwalk with the breath tearing in his throat and the sweat shiny on his face.

60. The words seemed to clog in his throat, then come free in little gouts and spurts.

61. Bellerophon killed the Chimera by ramming his spear into its throat

62. Some pox formed in his throat and, unable to swallow, he died on March 17

63. When you Choke, you are suddenly unable to breathe, often because something is stuck in your throat

64. Paulo’s throat started to burn, and hot tears filled his eyes.

65. A coin went down his throat and he started to choke.

66. Three Stone Crows seized the Moon brother and opened his throat.

67. There was a metallic taste at the back of his throat.

68. The old man drew a long gnarled finger across his throat.

69. Williams cleared his throat, made a few introductory remarks welcoming everyone, then began his speech.

70. Williams cleared his throat, made a few introductory remarks about the occasion.

71. Imagine it in your throat.

72. 7 He spoke in a slushy voice, as if much mud had washed into his throat.

73. They woke him up, tied his arms and legs and forced a rag into his throat.

74. Clawing at his own throat, looking to his mother to make it stop- - it was horrible.

75. 21 She put the knife to his throat to frighten him into silence.

76. He spent his professional career as an ear, nose, and throat surgeon in a private practice in Reno, Nevada.

77. Cabell cleared his throat meaningfully and smiled, one hand on the youth's shoulder.

78. Confounding nearly all expectations, he and his cut-throat regime proved highly resilient.

79. Such Coughing or throat clearing is often associated with a feeling of phlegm in the throat

80. Throat white.